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We strive to create positive impact for our employees, clients, and the communities around us.

Give more than we take

Stand up for our beliefs

In unity we will succeed

Yayasan Solemen Indonesia ('Solemen') is an Indonesian registered non profit charity focusing on assisting the disadvantaged of Bali.
SUSILA and Solemen have been working closely together for almost 6 years now. We are passionate about their cause and truly respect how the organization operates.
You can read more information about the charity, projects, and how to get involved by visiting their website (linked to below).
SUSILA is very proud to have established a strong presence in many communities throughout Indonesia. Let's start by telling you how it all started.
Going back to 2012 (just before the birth of SUSILA Jewelry). Our founder Jostein Haugum had fell in love with the handmade jewelry coming from these islands. Upon further investigation he learned that there are many, many talented artisans that have been making handicraft jewelry since they were young girls. The reason for this is because it is a common skill and practice within their religion and accompanying ceremonies.
Next, he learned that although there are many women who are very talented as artisans. It is not easy for them to actually find work with this skill. This is partly because the demand was not high enough at the time. But, there was another even bigger reason holding them back. Culturally speaking, many women in Indonesia and Bali are not able to work due to many family and religious responsibilities.
This reality was limiting the amount of independence and financial freedom these women had in their lives. To solve this problem and with the beginning of SUSILA Jewelry, we found a way to offer these artisans the opportunity to work from home.

This system is the same system we still use today. Of course, we have been able to expand and continuously improve things as we grow and learn more. However, the results have been amazing. The shift to empowering women to be able to earn independently and to be treated as equals is well on its way.
At SUSILA, our employees consist of over 70% women. This includes all levels of management and our CEO (General Manager) since the beginning Manik Widari.
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